Upcoming Event! Family Synagogue

High Holiday Services at Kol HaNeshamah

PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS: 118 West 95th Street.

We will meet for services in the First Floor Beit Midrash @Ohab Zedek, 118 West 95th Street , Between Amsterdam and Columbus.
Please enter through the first floor side door.

There will be a Hot Kiddush following services on both days of Rosh Hashanah as well as a Break-Fast at the conclusion of Yom Kippur.

Online Seat Reservations 5785/2024

Once you reserve your seat, you will receive a confirmation of your reservation. You will need to bring your confirmation with you to be admitted.

Founded in 2008, Kol HaNeshamah: the Center for Jewish Life and Enrichment, is dedicated to reenergizing the spiritual life of both affiliated and not yet affiliated Jews. We sponsor High Holiday services as part of our mission to help all Jews, regardless of educational or religious backgrounds, to experience Judaism in a spirited and meaningful way. In addition to these services, Kol HaNeshamah holds Friday Night services, Pop-up Shabbat morning Minyan with Meaning services, classes for adults, one on one learning, a Hebrew School, private Bar and Bat Mitzvah classes and assistance with lifecycle events. Pastoral Counseling is also available.

No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please email us at kolnyc@gmail.com if you need assistance.

Guest Information (all fields required)
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Email Address:*
Address (please use billing address of your credit card)
Street 2:
ZIP/Postal Code:*


Does Your company have matching donation?:
I heard about this service from:
Age Range:

I am reserving a total of seats*    
(please indicate below the number of women, men and children who will be attending, use 0 for none)

SEATING: (children over the age of 12, are considered adults)



Children (11 and under):

Please list full names of names of attendees and type M or F at end of each name for gender:*
1. (required)

I will be at services for: Rosh Hashanah 1st Day: Thursday October 3rd
After Services Hot Kiddush - Rosh Hashanah 1st Day: Thursday October 3rd
Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day: Friday October 4th
After Services Hot Kiddush - Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day: Friday October 4th
Kol Nidre: Friday October 11th
Yom Kippur Day: Saturday October 12th

Break-Fast: Saturday October 12th

Yes, I need Child Care: Rosh Hashanah 1st Day: Thursday October 3rd
Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day: Friday October 4th
Kol Nidre: Friday October 11th
Yom Kippur Day: Saturday October 12th
Children's ages: (separate with spaces if more than one)

Yes, I need Children's Services: Rosh Hashanah 1st Day: Thursday October 3rd
Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day: Friday October 4th
Kol Nidre: Friday October 11th
Yom Kippur Day: Saturday October 12th
Childrens' ages: (separate with spaces if more than one)

Donation Information
Enter A Gift Amount: $
Other: $
I would like to donate the 3% credit card fee. Yes     No      (this will be added on to your amount above)
Is this in honor or memorial gift? Yes - in honor of...     Yes - in memory of...     No
In Honor/Memory of:
Credit Card Type:
Credit Card Number:*
Name on Card:*
CVV Number:*
Expiration Date:* / (MM/YY)

For further information call 347-693-6961

www.kolny.org / kolnyc@gmail.com

Address: Kol Haneshamah 2578 Broadway, Suite 128. New York, NY 10025        Phone: 347-693-6961       Email: Kolnyc@gmail.com      Privacy & Refund Policy

(c) copyright 2008 - 2009 Kol Haneshamah - Web Design and Development by Braintoaster Interactive

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